No that's not a typo in the title. Anyways, I figured it was time to make an 'actual' post or at least something somewhat relevant to Casa Del Austin. Then I found
this shit right here and shit my pants when the wubz kicked in. While I was cleaning all the pure dubstep extract wompsauce out of my undies, I had some sort of mind boggling epiphany. I realized, that the one thing that sets humanz apart of the rest of our animal palz is not only our self awareness, but our drive to be individual.
What's so individual about these fucks?
You're right, NOTHING
Individualism, something that most of us strive for makes us unique, it makes us well, us. Unfortunately, I think this might be a major problem for Earthlings in the next few decades, possibly centuries. You see, when we strive to be individuals we inversely shoot ourselves in the foot. Why? Because EARTH IS DYING! We don't have much longer here, many people may not realize it butwe need to take better care of earth, or leave it. The only problem with that is the fact that we can't leave earth on a major scale. Yet. I think that one day we
will be able to preform efficient long distance space travel, however we cannot reach that point in technology until we unite! Cheesy, I know.
Why? Why is being an individual going to shoot our civilization in the foot? I'll tell you why, because until all of us can learn to buck the fuck up and take one for the team we're fucked. Eventually, we will have to get our shit straight and just work together and collectively work towards a goal like space travel as one single super-state. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that everyone really needs to start thinking about working together and shedding a little bit of themselves in order to help themselves and everyone else in the world. But this'll never happen. PFFFFT
Here's a little treat, I know I've been rambling haha
Thanks for listening folks! Leave a comment and I'll give you a cookie